Special Kind of Love
Do you have someone who rises to the occasion? The kind of person that always goes above and beyond when you call on them? If the answer is yes, our Special Kind of Love bouquet was made for them. This mixed bouquet doesn't just contain a standard assortment of roses, it contains an assortment of today's most luxe and sought after roses - Shimmer Peach Roses and Grey Knight Lavender Roses, to name a few.  And to ensure this bouquet goes above and beyond, we've added gorgeous, fluffy hot pink ranunculus and soft pink larkspur to the mix to create a modern, upscale palette so popular today.                       Â
The flowers in our Special Kind of Love bouquets are cut, arranged, and shipped directly from the farm and may arrive in bud stage. This allows for the longest possible vase life. We want our customers to enjoy their beautiful, farm fresh flowers for as long as possible. So sit back, relax, and let our bouquets captivate you as they bloom.
And, just like all of our flowers, our bouquets are sourced from the highest quality, award winning farms, that use the most advanced Eco-Friendly farming standards AND employ the uppermost Socially Responsible business practices. What does this mean? This bouquet not only looks good, it does good - for you, for your loved one, for the farms that sell it, and the workers that grow the roses in it. Â
NOTE: Our farms strive to have all of the flowers shown in these images. That said, weather and crop issues can occasionally occur outside of our control. When this happens, the farm will substitute the missing flower variety with one of equal or greater value to ensure you receive the nicest, freshest, highest quality blooms available. We 100% guarantee you won't be disappointed!
Because these bouquets are custom made by hand, they Require 10 Days Advance Purchase. Free shipping is included.    If you are ordering a Special Kind of Love bouquet for Valentine's Day or Mother's Day, you need to place your order 14 days in advance.Â
Our Deluxe Special Kind of Love makes an impact with 25 stems.
 Vase is not included